Friday, April 12, 2024

Money spells reviews


Money spells using candles are a popular form of magical practice, harnessing the power of intention, symbolism, and ritual to attract wealth, abundance, and prosperity into one's life. With their simplicity and effectiveness, candle spells offer practitioners a tangible and accessible means of aligning their thoughts and energies with the flow of universal abundance. In this article, we'll explore a simple yet potent recipe for a money spell using candles, guiding practitioners through each step of the ritual to manifest financial success and abundance.

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Ingredients for the Money Spell:

  1. Green Candle: Green is the color associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance, making it the ideal choice for a money spell. Choose a green candle of appropriate size and shape, preferably made of beeswax or soy wax for purity and sustainability.

  2. Essential Oil: Select an essential oil with properties that resonate with prosperity and abundance, such as cinnamon, basil, or patchouli. Alternatively, you can use a pre-made prosperity oil blend specifically designed for money spells.

  3. Herbs and Crystals (Optional): Optional additions to enhance the potency of the spell include herbs and crystals associated with prosperity and abundance, such as basil, cinnamon, citrine, or green aventurine.

  4. Matches or Lighter: Ensure you have a means of lighting the candle safely and securely.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare Your Space: Choose a quiet and sacred space where you can perform the money spell without interruption. Clear clutter and create an atmosphere of tranquility and focus.

  2. Set Your Intention: Take a few moments to center yourself and clarify your intention for the money spell. Visualize your financial goals as already accomplished, feeling a sense of gratitude and abundance in your heart.

  3. Dress the Candle: Begin by anointing the green candle with the chosen essential oil, focusing your intention on imbuing the candle with the energies of prosperity and abundance. You can do this by gently rubbing the oil onto the candle in a downward motion, from the top to the base, while visualizing your intention.

  4. Charge the Candle: If using herbs and crystals, sprinkle them around the base of the candle or affix them to the surface using melted wax. As you do so, infuse the herbs and crystals with your intention for financial success and abundance.

  5. Light the Candle: Using matches or a lighter, carefully light the green candle, focusing your gaze on the flame as it flickers and dances. Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to connect with the energy of the candle and the intention you have set.

  6. Recite Affirmations: While gazing at the flame, recite affirmations or mantras that affirm your desire for wealth and abundance. Speak these affirmations with conviction and confidence, feeling the truth of your words resonating within you.

  7. Visualize Your Goals: Close your eyes and visualize your financial goals as already achieved. See yourself living a life of abundance, enjoying financial freedom, and fulfilling your dreams. Feel the emotions of joy, gratitude, and empowerment as you immerse yourself in this vision.

  8. Express Gratitude: Express gratitude to the universe, the divine, or any deities or spirits you may work with, thanking them for their assistance in manifesting your financial goals. Trust that your intentions have been heard and that abundance is on its way to you.

  9. Allow the Candle to Burn: Allow the green candle to burn for as long as you feel guided, focusing your attention on the flame and maintaining your intention for financial success and abundance. You can repeat this ritual daily or as often as needed until you see tangible results manifesting in your life.

  10. Close the Ritual: Once you feel ready, extinguish the candle safely using a snuffer or by gently blowing it out. Express gratitude once again for the energies you have invoked and the abundance that is now flowing into your life.


A money spell using candles can be a powerful tool for manifesting wealth, abundance, and prosperity into your life. By harnessing the energies of intention, symbolism, and ritual, practitioners can align themselves with the flow of universal abundance and attract financial success with grace and ease. As you embark on your journey of abundance, remember to trust in the power of your intentions and to remain open to the infinite possibilities that await you. May this money spell bring you the prosperity and abundance you deserve, empowering you to live a life of financial freedom and fulfillment.

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