Very often on various online forums, people describe their dreams asking for an interpretation. Then there are usually "experts" , who have learned particular meanings from websites, and interpret a particular vision.
Unfortunately, this is completely worthless. Just like all the other online tests, such as "check what you are afraid of", "what life situation you are in", etc., it is worthless.
Why is it worthless? Well, each person associates a particular thing with something different. That is what is beautiful about this world, that we are so diverse. For example, read for yourself the interpretation of dreams about spiders.
Here is one of them: "A dream about a spider signifies a sense of entrapment, a lack of perspective; a tragic situation. Spiders are also synonymous with female power or a domineering mother influencing your life."
And indeed, this interpretation did not come from nowhere. It will suit more than half of people. However, there will be a significant number of people for whom this interpretation will not fit at all. Most of us have bad associations with spiders. We do not like these animals; they disgust us. However, most are not all. After all, there are spider breeders who make a living from selling them. Since there are breeders, there are also those who buy these spiders. They also love these animals. They have a positive association with them. For a breeder, a dream of 20 large spiders will mean money. For someone who loves these animals - something nice, a likely happy event. For a person with arachnophobia, hidden fears that make life difficult and come to the surface. Already with this simple example, we can see that dreams should only be interpreted in relation to the person in question. Analysing a dream when one knows nothing about someone is meaningless. In order to read a dream correctly, the dreamer has to tell us about his or her fears, desires, sometimes about childhood situations that have left a mark on him or her. What's more, sometimes even this, may not be enough for us to interpret it correctly, because many events are not remembered, while our subconscious still stores them.
In conclusion, the person interpreting the dream must have empathy. After giving her information about herself, she must empathise with the person who had the dream. Only then can the right meaning be selected. Of course, the one having the vision also has to give all the information the interpreter asks for. Otherwise there is no point in cooperation. Giving the wrong information results in a warped analysis of the dream.
Thursday, July 13, 2023
How to interpret a dream?
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Using a pink candle in a love binding spell
In the realm of magic and spellwork, candles are often utilized as potent tools to channel intention, focus energy, and manifest desires. When it comes to matters of the heart, one color that frequently takes center stage is pink. Pink candles are closely associated with love, affection, and tenderness. In this article, we'll explore the captivating world of using pink candles in love binding spells, examining their symbolism, steps, and the profound connection between color and emotion. Read more in the article
The Symbolism of Pink
Pink is a color that embodies a range of emotions and qualities, making it the perfect choice for love binding spells. Here's a glimpse into the symbolism of pink candles:
Love and Romance: Pink is universally recognized as a color of love and romance. It represents the gentle, affectionate, and nurturing aspects of love, making it an ideal choice for spells focused on fostering romantic connections.
Affection and Tenderness: Pink also symbolizes affection, tenderness, and compassion. It reflects the softer, more caring aspects of love that go beyond passion and desire.
Harmony and Balance: Pink embodies harmony and balance in relationships. It is a color that seeks to restore peace and understanding, making it valuable in love binding spells aimed at strengthening and harmonizing connections.
Healing and Emotional Wellness: Pink is often associated with emotional healing and well-being. It can be used in spells to mend broken hearts, soothe emotional wounds, and promote self-love.
The Steps for a Love Binding Spell with a Pink Candle
Performing a love binding spell with a pink candle involves a series of carefully crafted steps designed to harness the energy of love and strengthen the emotional bond between two individuals. Here is a step-by-step guide:
Set Your Intentions: Before beginning the spell, take some time to clarify your intentions. What do you hope to achieve with this love binding spell? Are you seeking to deepen an existing connection or attract a new love into your life? Be clear and specific about your desires.
Choose the Right Pink Candle: Select a pink candle that resonates with your intentions. Pink candles come in various shades, from soft pastels to vibrant magentas. Choose the shade that best aligns with your specific goals for the spell.
Prepare Your Sacred Space: Find a quiet and undisturbed space where you can perform the spell. Cleanse the area with incense, sage, or a preferred method of purification to create a sacred and energetically clean atmosphere.
Dress and Anoint the Candle: Dress the pink candle with a love-drawing oil or anoint it with a few drops of rose essential oil. As you do this, focus on your intentions and visualize the love you seek to bind or attract.
Carve Symbols and Names: Using a sharp object like a pin or a special carving tool, carve the names or initials of the individuals involved in the spell onto the candle. You can also inscribe symbols or words that represent love and connection.
Light the Pink Candle: As you light the candle, speak your intentions aloud. Express your desires for love, affection, and connection. Visualize the energy of love radiating from the candle's flame and enveloping you and your desired partner.
Meditate and Focus: Sit quietly in meditation, keeping your attention on the pink candle's flame. Allow the energy of love to flow through you and between you and the other person involved in the spell. Feel the emotional connection growing stronger.
Affirmations and Chants: Speak words of affirmation or chants that reinforce your intentions. These can be personal affirmations or traditional love spells verses. The key is to infuse your energy and desire into your words.
Close the Spell: When you feel that your intentions have been clearly expressed and the emotional connection has been strengthened, snuff out the candle (do not blow it out). Thank the universe or any deities or spirits you may have invoked for their assistance.
Trust the Process: Love binding spells may take time to manifest fully. Trust in the process and remain open to the flow of love in your life. Continue to nurture and care for your relationship, allowing it to grow naturally.
Ethical Considerations
It is crucial to approach love binding spells with a strong ethical framework and a deep respect for the free will and autonomy of all parties involved. Here are some ethical considerations:
Consent: Ensure that all individuals affected by the spell are willing participants. Never use love binding spells to manipulate or control someone against their will.
Respect Boundaries: Respect personal boundaries and emotional consent within the relationship. Avoid crossing boundaries or forcing an unnatural level of closeness.
Pure Intentions: Your intentions should be pure, focusing on fostering love, harmony, and well-being in the relationship. Avoid using love spells for harmful or selfish purposes.
Karmic Consequences: Many practitioners believe in the law of karma or the Threefold Law, which suggests that the energy you put into a spell will return to you threefold. Approach love binding spells with care and responsibility to avoid negative consequences.
The use of pink candles in love binding spells is a beautiful and emotionally charged practice that taps into the deep symbolism of love, affection, and tenderness. When performed with pure intentions and a strong ethical foundation, these spells can be a powerful tool for enhancing and deepening romantic connections. However, it is essential to remember that love should always be nurtured and respected, and love binding spells should never be used to manipulate or control the feelings of others. Approach these spells with love, respect, and responsibility, and they can help bring more love and happiness into your life.
Heal your soul
Nowadays, there is a cult of beauty and health - we make sure that our bodies are not plagued by any illness, healthy food and a healthy lifestyle are popularised. The development of medicine is also staggering, the human body has virtually no secrets, doctors have narrow specialisations and we can actually go to a specific specialist with any part of the body. However, the most important part of the human being is not subject to such care - namely the soul.
The soul - the immortal part that constitutes the essence of the human being, immortal but nevertheless susceptible to inconvenience and sometimes in need of healing. Psychology comes close to healing the soul, but it is not quite that - like any field of modern science, it focuses too much on physiology and facts, wanting to reduce everything to repeatable processes. Caring for the health of the soul requires much more subtlety. The soul is itself invisible, but it helps to see - to see what is hidden and seemingly invisible, but most important.
The soul cannot be healed by the drugs and remedies we know from conventional medicine, although there are of course such attempts. It is wrong to think that the soul is exactly the same as the mind or the emotions that govern us. It is not possible to heal the soul by administering sedatives or drugs for depression. Even naively believing that it is possible to create pills for all emotional states - bringing peace, forgetfulness or joy, this would still not affect the actual state of the soul.
The illnesses of the soul are mainly due to an inability to see its needs. We fulfil the cravings of the body and the superficial needs, and forget those deeply hidden within ourselves. A sick soul is one that suffers when we fail to live in harmony with ourselves, failing to follow the path of spiritual realisation, choosing instead the easier path of carnal pleasures. A path that deprives us of the sphere of the sacred in our lives, of contact with the cosmos and higher forces, reducing life to vegetation. Consolation is sought in loveless sex, in various stimulants or other addictions, destroying not only the soul but also the body. This is because a sickness of the soul affects the whole person, it is an inability to enjoy life, and even more, it is a failure to enjoy life to the full. Most people also make the mistake of seeking a solution to a problem only when they have reached rock bottom mentally, instead of taking care of their souls beforehand.
If we want to keep our soul healthy, we must start by taking an interest in it. To delve into our inner self in order to get to know what lies deep within us, what we tend to hide under everyday, superficial matters. This cognition, however, takes time, gradually learning all the joys and sorrows, the true desires and fears. Self-discovery will keep the soul healthy and this will benefit our whole life. The soul, although invisible, is responsible for our state of happiness and fulfilment. When tormented by illness, it causes ill health, problems in interpersonal relationships and a sense of emptiness.
When we truly decode our soul, we will know our reactions to any situation. This will help us to respond appropriately and, instead of falling into grief or despair, to heal quickly and regain peace. The very act of knowing these reactions is soothing and instructive. We feel more and more inner harmony and self-confidence because we feel comfortable in our own skin and proud of ourselves. Even when something bad happens, we want to cry and complain, we know what will best soothe our grief and pain. Then the tears become cleansing, we don't fall into destructive sadness, but we accept defeat so that after a while we have the energy for new action. A healthy soul is a force, a life-giving, eternal power that fills us and is just waiting for us to draw from it to the full.
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Huna - a magical religion
Anyone who has ever practised huna, when asked to define it, will certainly answer in their own unique way. It is the same in all kinds of sources - it is impossible to find the same, or sometimes even a similar, formula. This is perhaps the best proof that huna is a very 'soft' concept that can be interpreted in different ways. However, as it turns out, it is a practice present in many beliefs and mind control techniques.
The mystery...
At what point in time huna was actually born, and under what circumstances it came into being, it is difficult to say unequivocally at present. One thing is certain, however - if it had not been for the psychologist Max Freedom Long, perhaps the modern world would never have heard of huna until today. When he moved to Hawaii in 1917, he met natives there who could walk on burning embers and cure serious illnesses, and the local community believed they could work miracles. They were called kahunas or keepers of the secret.
However, learning the secret was not so easy - its secrets were passed on orally, so Long felt he had to learn the local language first. Through in-depth research, he discovered that huna, or the secret, most likely originated in the Middle East and reached Polynesia via India. It took him more than 50 years of his life to deepen his knowledge, and the results of his work allowed him to discover, among other things, that huna clings to yoga, Hinduism and Middle Eastern worship, and that traces of it can be found in the Old and especially the New Testament.
Specifics of huna
Reviewing a variety of sources, the term 'prayer' is most often encountered, but the term 'positive thinking' is equally common. Most likely, in its early development it was a kind of religion, similar elements of which can be found in different parts of the world and in most other beliefs. In the modern world, it is regarded more as a 'way of thinking' or a 'good/appropriate attitude towards the world'.
The human being is made up of the heart, body and subconscious or 'ku', the mind and consciousness in the form of the 'lono' and the 'kane' or Superconscious, whereas huna allows these aspects to come together and maintain harmony between them.
Huna in the modern world
Huna is largely based on prayer, which must first be properly arranged so that it does not violate the will of others. Next, it is important to believe that this prayer has causal power (very often the word 'prayer' is replaced by the word 'affirmation'). By focusing one's thoughts on a particular aspect, one is able to change or achieve it. Huna allows one to adhere to any world religion at the same time, it does not require one to reject its dogmas or cease its practices. What is important is the pursuit of a set goal, e.g. gaining financial income or curing an illness, by using the power of the mind. A very important assumption of the huna is that absolutely everyone has an extraordinary power within him or herself, e.g. self-healing, and the huna allows in the right use of this ability.
Thoughts on the right track
Huna in the modern world can be found in many aspects of our everyday life, e.g. in NLP practices or in the notorious book 'The Secret'. "The Secret". Control of the mind very often boils down to one interpretation - a long and trouble-free life, total control of our destiny, all through the mind. Whatever you call huna, it certainly boils down to one thing - believing in your own abilities and taking control of your own destiny. Not everyone dares to take such a bold step, but those who try - will never regret it.
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